Mastering The Jighead Minnow
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Today, for pro and everyday anglers alike, jighead minnow style baits have become such a critical lure that you’ll likely see one rigged on the deck of every boat.
What Makes a Leader a Leader?
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The proper leader allows anglers to get more bites and land more fish.
Wading for Speckled Trout
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In most of the Gulf States, the speckled seatrout is one of the most popular targets for anglers because they are often plentiful, aggressive, and willing to bite various lures.
Gear Essentials for Panfish
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Depending on the panfish species you plan to target and where you live, there is some gear that will serve you well.
Targeting Monster Tuna on the Gulf Coast and the West Coast
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One of the most prized saltwater targets are the various tuna species, which can be found in various saltwater environments
Ferocious & Elusive - The KING of Freshwater
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They don't call them "The fish of 10,000 casts" for nothing, and succeeding at catching them is a significant accomplishment some days, which is part of the draw.