Strength - While both are strong and will withstand the lb test listed, leader and tippet are stronger over shorter lengths and are not designed to be a long, main line product. The main lines are designed to take the impact load over a much longer distance, transferred throughout the line.
Double Structure Technology - Our TATSU line, Gold Label, Blue Label (FC) and Fluoro Premier leaders are all Double Structure, a Seaguar exclusive process that injects two different molten resins through a special die. The resins are extruded as one solid piece. The harder, inside resin contributes to the Tensile Strength, while the softer, outside resin creates greater Knot Strength.
Price - Leaders and Tippets are more difficult to produce because of double structure and the resins involved, therefore line is less expensive and leader/tippets cost more.
Resins - Since Seaguar is the only fluorocarbon brand in the world that makes its own resins, different exclusive resins are used for all of our products. The resins in our line are different than the resins in our leaders.